Let's GROW in strength, let's RISE to accomplish what we dream of, together!

With Deep Health and "progress, not perfection" approach:

* become even more disciplined without feeling overwhelmed;
* get leaner without compromising your energy levels;
* celebrate habits and personal traits built (forever), not kilos lost (for 2 weeks);
* become the best and the most PRO version of yourself, while enjoying MORE freedom!

A unique & hands-on approach to transform your nutrition, sleep and mental health by utilising simlple and effective wellness protocols, accountability, and behavioral change.

- Alexey Sokolovskiy, BHS
Sports dietitian
Certified Nutrition Coach
Certified Sleep & Recovery Coach
Naturopathy specialist


Let's GROW in strength, let's RISE to accomplish what we dream of, together!

With Deep Health and "progress, not perfection" approach:
* become even more disciplined without feeling overwhelmed;
* get leaner without compromising your energy levels;
* celebrate habits and personal traits built (forever), not kilos lost (for 2 weeks);
* become the best and the most PRO version of yourself, while enjoying MORE freedom!

A unique & hands-on approach to transform your nutrition, sleep and mental health by utilising simlple and effective wellness protocols, accountability, and behavioral change.

- Alexey Sokolovskiy, BHS
Sports dietitian
Certified Nutrition Coach
Certified Sleep & Recovery Coach
Naturopathy specialist
Clients' feedback
See how those Olympic levels athletes and avid fitness enthusiasts hit their marks with a little help from me

Signs that you need my coaching:

You're a highly effective person
... But you have "bad days". - No problem! Say goodbye to procrastination and be a highly effective person at your sport or work. Feel energized and in gear - today, and every day after. No bad days.
You want to get the most of life
But you feel 24 hrs is not enough for you, you feel constantly lagging behind... - Rise and shine! Start your day early, finish all the to-dos before dark, and set aside time to actively de-stress and make sense of your day before its over. Taste life, feel life, live your best life. Find more time in your 24 hours!
Be a bio-hacking machine you want to be
.... Without fail! - Get really close and personal with gym and out of the gym activities suitable for your level of fitness: from zero to an Olympian. Crush your goals and set new ones. Get that sweet 1% advantage that makes you #1 in what you know you're already good at. Don't experiment, don't hesitate, just use the proven stratagies.
You need accountability
You probably know a lot about what we're goint to work on, already. You don't need MORE information. - What you need is accountability. Coach provides it for you. I offer private consultations \ small group coaching \ phisical action card to fill in \ and of course, dayli checkin and weekly strategy Zoom sessions. You cannot NOT make it, in my coaching!
You need a 'lil bit of magic
You always want - a little MORE. - Be assured, when you start your health optimization with me, magic happens. No, REALLY! Try it yourself to realize it for yourself. The "magic" is the combination of inherently healthy actions (such as reducing screen time a little), done every day, consistently.
If you're a highly successful \ public person
Nowadays successful people start to realize the value of having access to a truly private, secure wellness councelling. When nobody will NEVER know how many bottles of red wine you prefer to take weekly at the start of your nutritional challenge that will make you the best version of yourself. With past experience working on Top Secret materials under the President, and having done IT security training previously, I'm able to make our info flow airtight.

If any of these sounds like you.
You need to optimize your nutriton, sleep and recovery, for peak performance!
You can contact me right now using one of the yellow buttons on this page that read "Contact me".

What the journey you are embarking on might be like...
When you start your health optimization journey with me, it's always 100% personalized. But normally you take up the challenge to do ONE or SEVERAL of these simple actions, every day, for 7 - 30 days:
  • Hydrate - to be 100% alive
    Drink those ~2 - 2.5 liters that doctors recommend (I'l establish your actual recommended liquids intake at the start of our program). If you under- (or over-) hydrate, you may constantly feel tired, even if you can log 7-8 hours of sound sleep.
  • Walk the walk
    It's proven that walking 6.000 + steps a day lowers the risk of many chronic illnesses. But the real sweet spot is 7 to 8 thousand steps, that bring the most benefits for every minute. Walking more than 8.000 steps a day is also doubtless beneficial, although not crucial. I recommend alternating walking\jogging, sprinting and rucking days, but the actual advice will depend on several factors.
  • Sprint \ Burpees \ Rowing
    Would you prefer to look like Usain Bolt or like Rich Roll? It's all a matter of personal preference (and lots of hard "boring" work) of course. Although the benefits of endurance training and proven, and are many, its the strenuous activity like sprinting that brings optimal development of your muscular system and an (arguably) the most amazing physique. Sprinting, doing burpees and working out on a rowing machine brings generally similar benefits. We will discuss this matter in detail during the initial (asessement) coaching session.
  • Push-ups \ Plank
    Push-ups and plank both offer an intense workout in a very short time. They also forge a strong will, which is an indispensable ally in weight loss \ athletic career. Just 30-60 seconds will get your heart pumping, and make you stronger in more ways than one. It pays to be strategic about this part of your training, to avoid "burn-out".
  • Pull-ups \ Bench press
    Pull-ups (including chin-ups) are a fantastic way to build your upper-body strength. Pull-ups are harder; they primarily target your back and biceps, while engaging many stabilizing muscles in your core, arms, and shoulders, building strong traps. Chin-ups (as sometimes differentiated from "the proper" pull-ups) are also great as they train the muscles of your upper back, chest, and arms, but with the obvious emphasis on your biceps. Bench-press is one similarly strenuous exercise that primarily builds strength (not endurance) that is crucial to build "spartan" pecs, but also front delts and triceps - all while training your spirit also as you grind through the reps experiencing more and more fatigue. (Be sure to have a bench press buddy or stop before failure). Check one checkbox for every 5 reps or pull-ups, chin-ups or bench press. I'd advise to do x5 bench presses with your sub-maximal weight that you can lift 6-7 times before failure, 3-12 times per training session. Alternate with pull-ups (and chin-ups) every other day. Aim to hit 60 pullups daily total \ 60 reps bench press (alternating days) eventually.
  • Sit-ups \ Climb stair
    Sit-ups improve your legs strength, but also just give your leg muscles SOME work if you live a primarily sedentary lifestyle - as 99% of human population of industrially developed countries do nowadays. Sit-ups are great for robust hormonal health and there is some evidence they might be good for memory too. Be sure to stop at a right (or blunt) angle to safeguard your knees and lower back from trouble (avoid deep squats, especially with weights). Sit-ups are a great break from office work, and can be done almost everywhere, including beside your desk. Check 1 box for every 15 sit-ups with the goal of doing 180 total during the day. Alternatively, climb stairs, and check 1 box for every 2 floors climbed; aim at 24 \ day.
  • Swim or Cycle... or meditate!
    Connecting with Nature (and possibly, like-minded people also) while working out is highly restorative. Finding time and place to swim can be tough or easy, depending on where you live. But you have an option to do cycling or indoor cycling instead. Both will improve your cardio health in mere months. If you can't do either, I'll find a substitute for your specific needs. I offer Yoga and breathwork classes, meditation and spiritual guidance for those inclined.
  • Actively de-stress \ Stretch
    I can't stress enough how important it is to de-stress! Watching Netflix is NOT actively de-stressing, but walking in nature or "forest-bathing" (Shinrin-yoku), intently watching a sunrise\sunset or another dramatic scene, contemplating a Zen garden or a mountain landscape (or just looking at a photo of it!) actually is. Stretching is another option that gives you similar benefits. Alternatively, you may visit sauna \ hammam \infra-red sauna, or even get a massage to "stretch" passively. As a naturopathy specialist, I'll be responsible to build and optimize a hightly effective active destressing protocol, tailored to your needs.
  • Poor sleep is ... not "just poor sleep"
    Doctors and scientists agree that getting a good sleep EVERY night is crucial for good overall (and mental) health, as to reducing weight (and surprisingly, sleep burns more fat than any exercise can). Getting 7-10 hours of mostly uninterrupted sleep is a real treasure and a game changer, whenever you're an Olimpic level athlete or just a guy in his 50s who want to stay reasonably healthy and live longer than most. Recent studies show that most people chronically under-sleep and experience a variaty of sleep problems, that extend their recovery times and in general, undermine their mental and phisical health, and lead to a poor quality of life in general - which is totally avoidabe as ALL sleep problems can be solved (there is no known uncurable sleep ailements, but at the same time sleep difficulties are usually linked to both physical and emotional problems, that are multi-faceted. For many people, the best way to solve those issues is getting some support from a specialist. As a Sleep & Recovery coach and Naturopathy specialist, I'll be tasked to bring you the best sleep of your life!
  • Nutrition is the KEY
    If you look closely at the "Growth Card" that will be provided to you at the start of my coaching, you will notice what while side A actions focus on your fitness and recovery, side B is purely about your optimal nutrition. To stay on track with your activities, you need fuel. So don't feel up your private jet with that '91 gasoline! Treat yourself to the best food you can get. How to choose best foods for you, without the need to "watch you weight" or even use an app to track your nutrition? - I'm excited to let you find out very soon!

"Again, 90% of any given coaching process is - accountability. I don't just get relevant information in front of you - I'll take care that you really practice what I preach. And all our action plan will be science-based. You may expect to get precise recommendations made just for YOU based on your individual parameters including current weight, body height, age and biological sex, BMI, TBW, ECW, bone density, metabolic age, muscle protein, fitness and sleep data from your smart watch or smart band such as an OURA ring \ Whoop, etc. After a week of implementing a confirmed set of daily action, we'll meet again to evaluate and strategize for the next week, and so on. Some prefer to do it on a monthly basis, which is fine too. As you can see now, no Weight loss, Fitness or Productivity app can do this for you in such a manner that a living breathing wellness coach will".

Alexey Sokolovskiy
Nutrition Coach
Sleep & recovery Coach

The journey won't be easy, but the steps to it are SIMPLE
You take up the challenge to support your activities by getting ONE or SOME of these nutrient-dense food items, every day, for 30 days (side B of your card):
  • Low-calorie vegetables and leafy greens
    They help you to stay lean, and get vital nutrients from natural food sources, too. You can eat literally a bucket of spinach on a 2,000 calorie diet! Or just a morsel of red meat for same calorie "budget". It's not advised to eat ONLY green veggies, of course, but you can use them to crowd out any un-healthy habits that you might have. I.e., (come to an agreement with your mind and) eat a bowl of salad first if you crave chocolate mousse and see if you still want it afterwards. Leafy greens are usually rich in micro-nutrients and are very low-cal at the same time. Aim at have 4-8 fist-sized portions of veggies every day, depending on your body size\weight. Check a check-box every time you eat\drink (i.e. in a smoothie) even a small portion of veggies\greens.
  • Protein is important!
    Every person, depending on fitness goals, biological sex, age, and other data, needs to consume 40-200 grams of protein daily to meet one's nutritional needs and be healthy \ attain one's fitness and body composition goals. Second column on your Growth Card is dedicated to PROTEIN. You have 12 check boxes, each for 10 grams of protein consumed, or 1 portion of food that contains protein (for example, a piece of chicken, or a slice of sourdough bread). Exact amount of protein you need can be calculated using numerous online services or by consulting a nutritionist such as myself.
  • Berries \ superfruits
    Berries are "superfoods" and superfoods are too, of course. "Super-" means that the food is extremely high in antioxidants and\or micronutrients while being low on calories. So, nuts\seeds or, i.e. beef steaks are not "superfoods" because they are very high calories and you can hit your 2500 or so calorie daily max eating just a little. In contrast, you can almost eat as much blueberries, raspberries and strawberries as you like without having to worry about hitting your calorie budget' ceiling for today. Doctors recommend at least a few portions of berries daily for brain health and longevity. We have 12 checkboxes for you to fill every day, 1 box meaning 1 portion - be it a spoonful or a handful, so check a box every time you eat even a little "superfoods" (berry-flavoured jam is normally NOT a superfood).
  • Fresh ripe fruits
    An old adage "An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay" - is still true nowadays, but you need a lil more than just 1 apple per day. Check 1 box for every portion (no matter the size) of fruit you consumed today (i.e. 1 apple \ 1 cup of grapes \ a few dry figs = 1 checkbox). Remember to eat 2 times more vegetables than fruits (eat twice less fruits than vegetables) as most fruits are _generally_ higher in sugar and calories than vegetables. Choose fresh, ripe organic fruits with minimal carbon footprint whenever reasonably readily available, over dry\canned\imported\frozen\dehydrated fruits. Remember dry fruits are MUCH higher in calories.
  • Vegetable juice
    Vegetable juice is way more healthy compared to fruit juice that is more commonly used, because it's much lower in total sugar and added sugar. Look for the least processed vegetable juice you can get your hands on - or, ideally, squeeze it yourself. What vegetables are good for juicing? - think carrot, beet (without leaves), kale, cucumber, parsley, celery, spinach, bell peppers, and much more. You should choose different vegetables - diversify, don't settle for 1-3 vegetables you prefer: remember it's your medicine, not a treat, and "nothing tastes as good as the good health".
  • Complex carbs
    Complex (and any, really) carbs are essential for good fluids and hormonal balance, strength, stamina, and good sleep. Complex carbs are best to used strategically between training session as long-term fuel. While simple\fast carbs are best during or immediately after your WOD (and any training session), complex carbs can and should be taken at any time during the day (yes, at dinner too). Aim at 12-16 fist\handful-sized portions of complex carbs (including vegetables) through the day, every day. Vegetables and berries are predominantly carbs, so vegetables are "carbs" (not fat, not protein, for sure). Beans, oats, blueberries and pasta, rice are all good exapmles of complex carbs. We don't usually eat "fast" carbs, such as soda pop, icecream, candy or pastries - the only exception being for 1st half-hours after your WOD (workout of the day) that you HAVE to reward yourself for (this doesn't happen every day, for sure).
  • Fiber-rich food
    You MUST get at least 25 grams of fiber (including water-soluble and water-insoluble, just total) per day, if your want to be healthy and physically active. It's best to get your fiber from minimally-processed food, i.e. vegetables, NOT from a powder supplement, for best results both short- and long-term. Some examples of fiber-rich foods include beans, broccoli, avocadoes, sour dough \ full grain \ brown bread, corn (and nothing-funny-added popcorn), carrots, cabbage (any kind), beets, spinach and other leafy greens, apples, and dry fruit. Aim at 25 grams as minimum, or 10+ small portions. An example of a portion - an apple \ a small slice of sour dough bread with guac on it, a few heads of (cooked) broccoli, a handful of popcorn. Check "Complex carbs", "Protein food" boxes at the same time if relevant.
  • Nuts and seeds
    Nuts and seeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, and have some fiber as well. Nuts and seeds add calories very fast, so be careful with them - we count 1 nut \ some seeds (for example, a teaspoonful of seeds) as 1 portion, aiming at ~100g total nuts and seeds per day. Every time you eat nuts or seeds (including as an ingredient in a protein bar, smoothie, or porridge), check a box or two, depending on the portion. Note that nuts and seeds may be hard to digest (especially peanuts) so its best to grind them, or just add them to other food such as your morning super smoothie. Some ideas to kick-start checking out your nuts-and-seeds graph boxes include cashew nuts, pistachio nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and much more. Add of course, nuts are a great and ready to eat snack you can take with you everywhere easily.

-It's super-easy, really:

* Aim to check one or more (all - for Spartans only) graphs from top to bottom as you go about your day.
* See both side A and side B for healthy actions to be taken during the day, every day
* Depending on your training\lifestyle, you may choose to fill some columns and leave others empty - that's perfectly OK. You don't have to reach the bottom of your colums also - but it's a challenge to do just that.
* don't you worry if some days and "good" and some are "bad" for crushing your goals - everybody has his own ups and downs. But this card will remind you even on a "bad" day that you have some things to be done before you sleep.
* Be sure to have fun! Don't be too tough on yourself, this is not the Army)
* and remember to compete only with your self (that said, you can even "play" cards with another person, - the more completed card "beats" the less completed.

* send me a message for a quick answer to your question - free of charge

* a tougher question may require us booking a 30 - 60 min consultation (paid)

* I can help you build your detailed weight loss \ muscle mass gain plan based on your health data and according to your specific goals - send me a message ASAP to get a quote and to start getting benefits from my coaching

NOTE: you may use this "Growth Card" free of charge, its a gift. Detailed one on one and Zoom style consultations, though, are a paid service and are subject to availability due to time restrictions. Also you may be advised to come to the clinic to do some tests \ get a Doctor's consulation in some cases, before starting your coaching program with me.
Grab your exercise mat and running shoes and let's get down to business!
If you require a weight loss \ sleep optimization consultation or other coaching support, please contact me now! -

Alex Sokolovskiy
Provided by
a sports dietitian, nutritionist,
nutrition coach, Naturopathy specialist
Alexey Sokolovsky from Russia:
RSS Coach - Sleep & Recovery
PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach
2X-BHS: Naturopathy, Athletic Nutrition
4 x books author
Certified ISSA Ashtanga Yoga instructor

Lets connect on social networks: see contacts below
Alexey A. Sokolovskiy
Nutritionist, Sports Dietitian, Sleep & Recovery Coach
Thanyapura Sports and Health Resort Phuket
WhatsApp \ Telegram: add me by number +7 926 253 7911
Phone in Thailand +66 80 412 6505
LINE app number: (+66) 80 412 6505
LINE app ID: yoga_alex
Add me in LINE app with one click
add me on the Line app by scanning this QR code
Scan this QR code with your phone to message me.